8 Tips for Mothers Feeding at Night to Newborn Baby

It is a happy occasion to have a newborn baby for parents. But it has many challenges, one of them is feeding at night. Parents with newborn babies feel tired and sleepless due to the baby’s demand for feeding at night. But making plans and preparation can make this experience pleasant. This article will discuss how to tackle feeding at night with real examples and tips.

Build an easy spot for feeding

Establishing an easy spot can be helpful for you and your baby. Create a specific place for feeding with essential things like a chair, water bottle, snacks for the mother, nursing pillow, and comfortable dim light. Everything easy to access will make you and your baby comfortable, and you will feed in a calming environment without any distractions.

Real example: Hannah, a newborn baby’s mother, created a corner of her room for feeding. She kept all the essentials for feeding near her. It made her feeding at night experience soothing.

Tip: Creating a dim light environment at your feeding area can help you to settle back to sleep quickly.


Make yourself a master in latching

For nighttime feeding, a mother should be a master in latching to feed her baby without any distortion successfully. Baby’s position should be accurate, their mouth is easily accessed towards the breast, and their lips are open enough for feeding. A good latch is beneficial both for mother and baby. It ensures enough milk supply and reduces the time of feeding at night.

Real example: Julia, a new mother, initially had difficulty feeding at night. After she consulted the lactation consultant, she learned many techniques for correct latching. These techniques improved the milk supply for the baby, and she feels comfortable now.

Tip: A correct posture for feeding can increase milk supply and reduce prolonged hours of feeding at night. Your baby will return to sleep quickly.

Make a feeding schedule

It is expected that newborn babies often make their feeding schedule. But you can also make a schedule for feeding a consistent routine. Make a routine to provide your baby after two or three hours in the daytime; this will help you wake up less at night. This will improve them as well as your nighttime sleep patterns.

Real example: Marry, a new mother, made a sufficient interval feeding routine in the daytime. This helps a smooth sleep at night. Both baby and mother feel comfortable and have peaceful sleep at night.

Tip: A feeding schedule can improve the baby’s sleep during the day and at night.

Feed before going to bed

Make sure to feed your baby before bed, even when sleeping. This schedule can increase feeding time intervals. It will give extended hours of sleep both to you and your baby. Softly pick up your sleeping baby and feed them without disruption. Sometimes, it would not work, but if it functions for your baby, it will be better for the excellent sleep of your baby.

Real example: Lisa, a newborn baby’s mother, noticed her baby sleeps when it is time to go to bed. She tried to feed her baby without waking him up. It worked, and her baby has extended hours of calming sleep now.

Tip: Dream feeding can help the baby’s and her mother’s sleep quality.

Pump breast milk and feed with bottle

The breastfeeding mother can pump their milk and offer their baby in a bottle. It can provide them with some relief. This will help you share your nighttime routine with your partner. Feed them with a turn. In this way, each will get a chance to do some rest. It can be helpful if you are parted from your baby at night time if you have night shift duty.

Real example: Sarah, a new mother who is doing the job. She had night duty but also had to feed her baby;
Her partner Lumen allowed her to pump milk and store it for nighttime. Now, she is doing her duty without getting worried, and her husband feeds her baby.

Tip: Pumping milk involves both partners in feeding their baby. It creates bonding between parents and their baby.

Involve your partner

If you involve your partner in it, feeding your baby at night can be a team effort. By sharing the workload, both of you can have a peaceful sleep.

Real example: Julia and Noah shared their nighttime for feeding their baby. In this way, they both can enjoy a peaceful sleep.

Tip: Co-operation with your partner can make a strong bond between you and your baby.

Keep your baby’s essentials near you

Place your baby’s crib near you so that it may come easy while feeding your baby. Keep the environment calming. Make your room soundproof by using heavy curtains.

Real example: Marina and Joseph arranged a room with a baby crib near them. They have fed with less disruption in sleep.

Tip: Sliding your baby’s things near you can make it easy to respond when your baby wants to feed at night.

Escape heavy lights and noise

While nighttime feeding, keep the lights dim and your surrounding environment sound-free. If you have bright lights and loud sounds in your room, it can be difficult for your baby to get regular sleep again.

Real example: Emma has created a dim light environment in her room where she feeds her baby at night. It helps  his baby to get gentle sleep after feeding.

Tip: A calming environment without heavy lights and sound indicates to your baby that it is nighttime and you should sleep again without disruption.


Nighttime feeding to your baby is a hard time for parents. But practicing patience, preparing, and accurate planning can make this difficult time more manageable. Remember that these strategies do not work on every baby, as every baby has a unique nature. Firstly, you should study your baby’s heart and plan according to their needs. Creating a peaceful environment, making feeding schedules, and sharing burdens with your partner can smooth your daily routine. As time passes, you will feel pleasant to feed your baby at night.

Read More: What are Massage Techniques for Newborn Babies?

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